The 5 Elements Shop
Aline yourself with the forces of nature at our 5 Elements Shop.
Adopting concepts from ancient wisdom, we assess & organize our self-care seasonally by the 5 elements, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.
5 Elements
Fill your bath & body with Bath Bombs, Soaps, Bath Salts, Body Butters. Enlighten your Body with 100% Natural products Scented with Essential Oils colored with minerals

Element Wood
More commonly associated with the season, Spring – 5 February – 17 April
Face: oily skin, blackheads, age spots
Body: revitalizing, purifying (indications: muscular &/or joint pain, stiffness)
Energy: energizing (indication: poor energy circulation)
Emotion: self-confidence, trust, ready for a new start (indications: lack of motivation, timid)
Chakra: 2nd chakra – Sacral Chakra & 6th chakra – 3rd Eye Chakra
Veda: Kapha
Meridians: yang: Bladder, yin: Liver
Element Fire
More commonly associated with the season, Summer – 6 May – 19 July
Face: sensitive skin, rosacea, rashes
Body: Soothing (indications: allergies, psoriasis, eczema, poor blood circulation)
Energy: calming over excitement (indication: poor energy circulation)
Emotion: Joy, being in the present moment (indications: lethargic, unhappiness,
Chakra: 4th chakra – Heart Chakra
Veda: Pitta
Meridians: yang: sm intestine/ triple warrior, yin: heart/ pericardium circulation

Element Earth
More commonly associated with the transition of seasons
18 Jan – 4 Feb
18 April – 5 May
20 July – 6 August
21 October – 7 December
Face: acne, clogged pores, in need of detoxification
Body: detoxifying, (indications: cellulite, toxin build-up)
Energy: purifying (indications: muscular &/or joint pain, stiffness)
Emotion: Creativity, curiosity (indication: worry, stress)
Chakra: 1st chakra – Base Chakra, 3rd chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra
Veda: pitta- kapha/ vatta-pitta
Meridians: yang: stomach, yin: spleen
Element Metal
More commonly associated with the season, Fall – 7 August – 20 October
Face: normal to dry skin, wrinkles caused by dryness, poor completion, mineral deprived skin
Body: nourishing, efficient circulation, (indications: lymph stagnation, lacking minerals, respiratory issues)
Energy: freedom, communication (indication: bound up)
Emotion: Contentedness, Satisfied, freedom (indications: bound by grief &/or sadness)
Chakra: 5th chakra – Throat Chakra
Veda: Vatta
Meridians: yang: large intestine, yin: lung

Element Water
More commonly associated with the season, Winter – 8 November – 17 January
Face: dry dehydrated skin, wrinkles due to stress & hormonal imbalance, dark circles under eyes
Body: calming & hydrating (indications: sleep, nervous stress, menstrual issues)
Energy: calming and balancing to nervous and endocrine systems (indication: emotional/hormonal imbalance)
Emotion: Serenity, rest (indications: vulnerable, emotional imbalance)
Chakra: 7th chakra – Crown Chakra
Veda: Vatta- Kapha
Meridians: yang: bladder, yin: kidney